The D3 Times

Correlations Discovered Between Health Risks, Age, and Income

The above chart represents data collected from the U.S. Census Bureau. The data represents multiple factors of health along with socio-economic factors. Most of the data points are provided as a pertentage of the population in the correlated state.

Interact with the above chart by clicking on the categories on the left and bottom of the chart. This will toggle through the data associated with that category. Each data point on the chart represents as state with the United States of America by it's abbreviation. Hover over each data point, and a text pop up will appear with the exact infomation of each state, and the two selected categories.

Being able to understand how socio-economic factors effect our population health, can lead to better health advocacy. Armed with appropriate knowledge society can tackle the issues that cause a decline in our overall health through educational programs, and effective policy. Explore the data above, and see what questions it helps you draw.